Friday, August 8, 2008

I have the bike!

It's here, it's here!
in about a million pieces all over the living room, that is! I wanted to assemble the bike last night, but Jeff had the only large-enough phillips-head screwdriver safely tucked away in the car. I guess he wanted the company while he delivered pizza. Anyway, I had to settle for waiting until tonight.

Since my foot was in considerable pain yesterday, I did absolutely nothing last night but sit on my butt. I guess doing a WATP video was a bad idea, and the doctor pressing his thumbs into the tender spot on my heel certainly didn't help. Tonight I'll have to clean the house, but I'm giving myself as much time as I can to rest my poor foot. I now have an anti-inflammatory, which should help, and I am going to try a different pair of heel inserts, too.

I also have a confession to make. I ate five - count 'em, five - chocolate-covered donuts yesterday. Total moment of weakness. Ugh. You wouldn't think something so lightweight could cause so much damage! The one thing I did do right yesterday was drink a heckuva lot of water - way past the recommended 8 cups.

Game plan for today: Stay OP. Clean house, assemble bike - and if I have energy after all that, actually use the dang thing for a while!

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